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Re: [eclipselink-users] Overwrite session manager settings

Hi Tom,

I'm having a problem with this approach: the wrong connections are being used for the persistence units.

I have two Persistence Units defined in persistence.xml: ClusterPU and InstancePU. The EMF for ClusterPU is created normally, supplying JDBC data and not overriding it in createEM(). The EMF for InstancePU is created without supplying JDBC data and setting it each time in createEM().

After the EMFs are created, I create an EM for ClusterPU, the pool is initialized and all works fine for ClusterPU.

The problem is with InstancePU (the one with per-EM JDBC parameters):

If I save an entity (instanceEm.persist(entity)) a new connection is established and all works fine. However if I try to load an entity (instanceEm.find(entityClass, entityId)), a connection from ClusterPU will be used, instead of a new one being created, which is completely incorrect!

Any ideas?


On 19. Mar 2009, at 20:39, Jaka Jančar wrote:

Hmm... this is awesome, I'll check it out.

Hibernate does not support this at all, btw :)


On 19. Mar 2009, at 19:50, Tom Ware wrote:

Hi Jaka,

I just spoke to a colleague and he mentioned that the behavior is exposed through properties.

The key is to create a working EntityManagerFactory with the strategy listed below. (i.e. Provide working connection information at the creation of the EMF)

Once you have done that, you can create EntityManagers with alternate connection information using the properties in org.eclipse.persistence.config.EntityManagerProperties. Note: They are the same strings as the ones you use for EntityManagerFactory creation. The limitation here is that you must connect to a database that uses the same EclipseLink DatabasePlatform.

Once again, the recommended approach for most applications is to use the settings in EntityManagerFactory. The additional functionality is available for applications that have more complicated connection requirements.


Jaka Janc(ar wrote:
is it possible to specify the database server on an EntityManager basis? In other words, what can you do if you want to connect to loads of different hosts, but don't want to recreate EntityManagerFactory for each one (since that takes ages).
On 19. Mar 2009, at 19:23, Tom Ware wrote:
Hi Phil,

In EclipseLink, EntityManagerFactory holds the object that controls database connections. As a result you need to provide the database properties to the EntityManagerFactory at creation time. (In the bootstrap API, a Map can be provided to the Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory(String, Map) method.)

If you need to regulate these things on an EntityManager basis, there is some EclipseLink specific API that can be used to do that, but for most people, the general API is sufficient.


Philipp Kursawe wrote:
Is it possible to overwrite the settings made in the persistence.xml when creating the EntityManager using an EntityManagerFactory.create(Map)?
It seems like that the properties I am handing in are not valued.
Is it in any other way possible to set certain persistence.xml values from within the program? I mean I cannot seriously be asked to put login credentials inside a JAR? I would like the user to configure those values and feed them to EclipseLink programmatically not from the persistence.xml.
Thanks for your help!
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