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Re: [eclipselink-users] Oracle Driver loaded from wrong classloader in OSGi environment sometimes

Hi Phil,
I have a strange problem that once in a while the Oracle Driver is loaded from the wrong classloader and EclipseLink cannot use it.
I am importing the oracle driver packages into my project and set the EntityManagerFactory like this
properties.put(PersistenceUnitProperties.CLASSLOADER, this.getClass().getClassLoader());

in a class that is in the same bundle as the oracle imports. This works in 80% of the time. But sometimes (due to some race conditions I assume) the classloader that was used by the oracle bundle to register itself with the driver manager seems to be the wrong one.

   Passing a ClassLoader that can see the driver you're referencing should always work.  Internally there is an attempt to use the DriverManager which fails in OSGi but then we try to load the class using the provided ClassLoader.  Are you getting an exception or just seeing a log  message?  In EclipseLink 1.1 the log level of the message indicating the DriverManager usage failure has been dropped lower so you shouldn't see it at FINE anymore.
I am using org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.osgi.PersistenceProvider.

Anyway it would be better this whole old DriverManager thing would be replaced by proper OSGi services. The Oracle driver would just register itself as a driver in the OSGi system. Dreams :)
   Dreams can come true! ;-)  There is an OSGi specification coming for obtaining JDBC Drivers which should make life easier for everyone--I'm definitely looking forward to it.


Thanks for any input on this issue,
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