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Re: [eclipselink-users] Query.getResultList() returns null if the table does not exist

What version are you using? Chances are you are hitting a bug fixed in the transaction for bug 247022 that caused the exception to be silently ignored - try the latest nightly.

MySQL should be throwing an exception, something like "MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Table 'yourtable' doesn't exist", which will be wrapped in a org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DatabaseException Runtime exception type.

cowwoc wrote:
I am using MySQL. I did "drop database Foo; create database Foo;" and re-ran
my application. It worked fine up until this code returned null:

	@Transactional(rollbackOn = Exception.class)
	public List<Terminal> listTerminals()
		Query query = em.get().createQuery("select terminal from " +
Terminal.class.getSimpleName() +
			" as terminal");
		List<Terminal> result = query.getResultList();
		return result;

PS: Throwing SQLException seems a bit contrived. The Javadoc says only
IllegalStateException may be thrown and as far as I know SQLException is a
checked exception.


Christopher Delahunt wrote:
I don't understand how you are not getting an exception if the table does not exist. Can you show how you create and execute the query? Running on an Oracle DB, I get a SQLException: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist.
Best Regards,

cowwoc wrote:
Ooops, "empty set" should read "empty list".


cowwoc wrote:
I am expecting it to return an empty set as per "Effective Java" best
practices. I'd like to file a bug report for this. What do you think?

PS: Anyone working on JPA 2.0 should please clarify the Javadoc on this


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