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Re: [eclipselink-users] Gah! Netbeans, Maven, and EclipseLink

Yes, I also found it a pain to use Maven with EclipseLink at first.  But now
things work fine.  The trick is to convert the "&" symbol to "& amp;" in the
URL (remove the space in that quoted string--that was the only way I could
get the string to display properly by this forum).  

Here's my POM:


Hope that helps.


David Nedrow-4 wrote:
> OK, I've about had it with Maven. I have never had more trouble with  
> something that is supposed to make things better (dependency, etc.)
> Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. For some things it never  
> works. At least for me.
> In any case, I've asked this before...
> Can anyone confirm that they are successfully using a Maven project in  
> NetBeans that is able to pull an artifact and version list (when  
> editing the pom.xml) that includes more than just the "eclipselink"  
> artifact and the "1.0-SNAPSHOT" version?
> The sample pom.xml entry at  
> does not work for me, as the &amp; 's cause NetBeans to mark the  
> project as poorly formed. I've tried multiple variations of the the  
> URL with no luck.
> If I follow the link and get a static mirror URL to place in the pm,  
> NetBeans will poll the server for components, but I only ever see  
> "eclipselink" as an artifact and only 1.0-SNAPSHOT is available as a  
> version, though it's clearly visible from browsing the repo via the  
> browser that multiple versions should be available.
> If nobody here can confirm that this actually works, I'll try the  
> NetBeans people next. After a couple of months asking about this on  
> various lists, I still haven't been able to get someone to say, "Yes,  
> this works for me and here is my pom."
> -David
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