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Re: [eclipselink-users] Does OSGI work?

Ok... lets document how the newbie does it :)

First off....

What is the difference between the following and is there one that is
more recommended that the others?

With the above features, it is possible for client code to obtain an
EntityManagerFactory three different ways:

   1. Using the standard Java Persistence API with configuration
behind the scenes using OSGi services and Manifest properties for
configuration. See "org.eclipse.persistence.demo.jpa.osgi.spi" for an
   2. Using the standard Java Persistence API--classloader to use for
a given persistence unit passed in a property to
createEntityManagerFactory instead of Manifest configuration. See
"org.eclipse.persistence.demo.jpa.osgi.spi.classloader" for an
   3. Using EclipseLink OSGi specific JPA Persistence Provider
requiring no OSGi configuration. See
"org.eclipse.persistence.demo.jpa.osgi.provider" for an example


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