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[eclipselink-users] clustering eclipselink using two different machines

The attempt to use clustering on a singe machine using two different JVMs was successful. However when I tried to use the clustering mechanism using two different machines, it failed.


The approach I am using is RMI registry. Each machine starts an instance of its own RMI Registry.  Before getting the EntityManagerFactory, to the application, the following code is used to decorate the session with the RemoteCommandManager Object.


              Session session = JpaHelper.getServerSession(emf);

               AbstractSession sessionImpl = (AbstractSession) session;

               RemoteCommandManager cm = new RemoteCommandManager(sessionImpl);














If I try to use the single registry on one of the machine and try to connect the other, it gives me

Java.rmi.AccessException because it is not able to find the RemoteServer object on it. I tried even using the security policy file but of no help.


Request if anyone can help me with it. Am I missing something?


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