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[eclipselink-dev] PostgreSQL JDBC driver


I have a request which has nothing to do with Eclipse Link directly, but
I thought here are the people with the best connections for this.

For the Eclipse SCADA project, we would like to include the PostgreSQL
JDBC driver in our download. This is not possible at the moment, since
any CQ for it was rejected. Here the list of past CQs:

CQ 1725 - PostgreSQL Version: 8.2.506 - Rejected
CQ 4239 - PostgreSQL Version: 8 - Closed (was not approved)
CQ 15 - PostgreSQL Driver updated to 8.1-4078.0.311- Rejected
CQ 3375 - Postgresql Version: 8 - Approved as a Workswith Dependency Only
CQ 6124 - org.postgresql Version: 9.1.901 - Withdrawn (was not approved)

The reason for it is that PostgreSQL has not contribution policy in
place, which is a prerequisite for any approval. Then all the committers
have to certify that their code is clean of all 3rd-party claims. This
is of course a lot of work, so I understand that the PostgreSQL JDBC
guys are hesitant to do anything about it.

I talked with Dave Cramer, the current lead developer (for the JDBC
driver) about it. He in turn will talk to some other people from the
PostgreSQL community, but I somehow sense that they wont see the need
for it.

Maybe some people from the Eclipse foundation with more clout than me,
can talk to the relevant people on the PostgreSQL side and carefully nag
them a bit.

I think a number of other Eclipse projects would like to include the
JDBC driver in their distributions as well .

best regards

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