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Re: [eclipselink-dev] When is feature freeze for 2.5?

Hi Sabine,

We do not currently have a firm date. You are likely safe planning for the end of the first week of March.


On 11/02/2013 6:49 AM, Heider, Sabine wrote:
Hi all,

Could you please tell me when the feature freeze for 2.5 will be? We would like
to know at which point in time our new HANAPlatform has to be promoted out of
the incubator to the eclipselink.runtime master branch to make it to the 2.5
release version.

Thanks and best regards,


*Sabine Heider*

*SAP AG *I Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16 I 69190 Walldorf I Germany

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