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Re: [eclipselink-dev] EclipseLink 2.4.0 Planning

I suggest we look into including this:

It is are most-voted on bug and I have seen discussions about this in the JPA 2.1 spec.

douglas clarke wrote:
As we wrap up EclipseLink 2.3.0 for the Indigo release we need to start planning what major initiatives we want to undertake next. At present we are planning a 2.4.0 release for the fall. I have started a page to capture suggestions for the release.

Please either post suggested ideas in the discussion page or raise them here on the mailing list. We will collect initial ideas for the next 2 weeks and then put together a development plan with features, milestone dates, and a release target. Depending on the feedback we'll schedule a few meetings towards the end of the month to kick off the development.

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