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[eclipselink-dev] Recent change to EclipseLink MOXy Build Path

A recent checkin to the EclipseLink MOXy component requires that a new jar (<SVN_ROOT>/utils/eclipselink.utils.jaxb/jaxb-xjc.jar) be added to your project classpath in order to compile within Eclipse.  To do this:

- Make sure you have the most recent revision of <SVN_ROOT>/moxy/org.eclipse.persistence.moxy/.classpath
- Hit F5 to refresh your org.eclipse.persistence.moxy project to ensure it is using the updated .classpath
- In Eclipse, right click on the org.eclipse.persistence.moxy project and choose "Properties" and select "Java Build Path" from the tree
- On the "Libraries" page, you will see a new entry, ECLIPSELINK_HOME/utils/eclipselink.utils.jaxb/jaxb-xjc.jar, you must now define the variable to point to your SVN view
- Click "Add Variable...", then click "Configure Variables..."
- Click "New..." and create a new variable named ECLIPSELINK_HOME, and point it to the root folder of your SVN view
- Click OK and say Yes to do a full rebuild

No changes are needed to build from the command-line ANT files.

This JAR will be going into Orbit in the near future but this will allow you to compile EclipseLink MOXy until then.

If you encounter any problems you could also manually add the jaxb-xjc.jar to your build path by choosing "Add External JARs" from the Libraries page.

Rick Barkhouse | Software Developer, EclipseLink | 613.288.4613
Oracle Development
45 O'Connor Street, Suite 400 | Ottawa, Ontario K1P 1A4

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