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[eclipselink-dev] Checked in: fixed bug: 293708

1. Fixed couple of failures when running org\eclipse\persistence\testing\tests\jpa\criteria\metamodel\ in eclipselink.jpa.test in the SE environment against Oracle DB.

2.  Modify it so it can be ran in the WLS 10.3.1. Tested it against WLS 10.3.1 + manually add the javax.persistence_2.0_preview.jar to WLS classpath.

3. Added the above test the FullRegressionTestSuite. So it could be ran nightly.

4. Added the above test to the CriteriaServerTestSuite. So in the future, it could be run in the container.

5. Modified the the eclipselink.jpa.test\build.xml. So the above test can be run in server-test-criteria target.

Code reviewed by Guy Pelletier
Checked in EclipseLink 2.0 (revision: 5690)

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