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Re: [eclipselink-dev] adding support for creation of column indices

Hi Tom,

The JPA test suite is completely JUnit based. Here is a getting started page for running the tests:

I recommend choosing to run the tests either in Ant or in Eclipse. There are instructions on the page above indicating how to do either.

So far I've been running them from Ant (the full set).
Now that I've completed a full run, I'd like to run single tests, so running them from Eclipse would be great.

Do they work for you in Eclipse?

I get the following errors:
- The working directory for FullRegressionTestSuite is set to ${workspace_loc:eclipselink.jpa.test/run}. I suppose that should have been ${workspace_loc:eclipselink.jpa.test}/run. - Project javax.xml.bind cannot be found. I haven't been able to resolve this one yet.
This is on Eclipse Ganymede.

I'll try setting up the JUnit runner myself tomorrow (i.e. not using the included launch files), see if that works.


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