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[eclipselink-dev] Partial fix for bug 261396 - Removing DateFormatThreadLocal from AbstractSessionLog

I have checked in changes to AbstractSessionLog as part of the broader bug to remove DateFormatThreadLocal:

Since we currently do not have a thread-safe way of formatting date strings, we will now use ConversionManager to build date strings in AbstractSessionLog.getDateString().  This also necessitated a few changes in AbstractSessionLog API:

- The DateFormat instance variable stays on AbstractSessionLog but will no longer be initialized in the constructor (getDateFormat will now return null by default)
- We still allow the user to set- and getDateFormat as usual
- In getDateString(), if dateFormat is null (i.e. the user did not specify their own formatter), we will use the ConversionManager to get the date string
- If the user DID set their own dateFormat we will use that instead

Reviewed by Peter Krogh and Blaise Doughan.

Checked in to both main and 1.1.0.

- Rick

Rick Barkhouse | Software Developer, TopLink | 613.288.4613
Oracle Development
45 O'Connor Street, Suite 400 | Ottawa, Ontario K1P 1A4

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