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[eclipselink-dev] Patch for bug 256686 - test-oxm and test-jaxb fails with JDK 1.5

A patch for the bug is ready for review.
The jaxb api jar had been in the classpaths. With Eric's build reorg checkins, the jar was renamed and moved to another directory, it is not in the classpaths any more. Testing moxy still works on JDK 1.6 because the JAXB APIs are included with JDK 1.6, but it fails on JDK 1.5.
With this patch, per Blaise's request, trunk\moxy\plugins\javax.xml.bind_2.0.0.jar will be included in the classpaths only if testing moxy on JDK 1.5.
Code reviewed by: Blaise Doughan, Eric Gwin

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