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Re: [] RE: Europa and UM bugs

This isn't my policy, it's the legal advice of the Eclipse Foundation's Legal department (i.e., Janet). I have included her on this email so that she can correct any misunderstandings and/or change the policy and/or reinforce my description. I also include the wiki page where you added your question:

My understanding is that the license text that shows up in the update manager for each feature must contain the complete text of the union of all the licenses applicable to all the code in that feature.

*I* suggest that the form be either:

1. If only EPL applies:

[the EPL license text]

2. Or, if more than one license applies:

The following licenses applies to code in this feature:
  • Eclipse Public License 1.0 (url to the EPL)
  • Apache Public License m.n (url to the APL)
  • BSD License x.y (url to the BSD)
The complete text of these licenses is included below:
[the EPL license text]
[the APL license text]
[the BSD license text]


I don't see how this is a nightmare to create or maintain - after all, you (the project) knows exactly which licenses apply to the code (through your IP Log experience) and you know where to find those licenses and the set of licenses is very small (Janet makes sure of that) and the set of licenses does not change very often. I do agree that it will take a few minutes once a year to update this before the big releases, but it's not an every day thing or a lot of work when you do do it. I could be wrong, of course...

- Bjorn

Oberhuber, Martin wrote:
Added this question which really bugs me:
Question from Martin: Really complete license text of sub-features / sub-bundles? This doesnt seem to scale. Current feature license text just refers to sub-lienses like APL etc. via HTTP link. Why isnt that sufficient? Nobody would read a license text that gets too long and it's a nightmare to create and maintain.

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