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[] Polarsys and LTS IWG Creation



The Polarsys and Long-Term Support Industry Working Groups have both had their charters available for community review and feedback for more than the requisite 30 days. The charters are now final and are available on our website at [1] and [2]. These industry working groups are now created as per the IWG process[3]


I would like to thank everyone involved in their many contributions in starting these industry working groups. Many member companies have been involved[4] and your support is very much appreciated.


If you are interested in getting involved, or learning more, please refer to the following:


    - For Polarsys, you can read more at [5], or contact Ralph Mueller [ralph.mueller@xxxxxxxxxxx]

    - For Long-Term Support, you can read more at [6], or contact Andrew Ross [andrew.ross@xxxxxxxxxxx]





[4] The list is long, but to name but a few: Airbus, EclipseSource, Ericsson, IBM, Intecs, itemis, OBEO, SAP, and Thales.




Mike Milinkovich

Office: +1.613.224.9461 x228

Mobile: +1.613.220.3223



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