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[] Eclipse Member Newsletter, February 2019 edition

Hello everyone! The Eclipse Member Newsletter for February 2019 is here!

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February 2019 Edition


New Eclipse Foundation Member

Associate Member

Applied Artificial Intelligence Group, TU Graz, Software Technology Institute

15 Years of the Eclipse Foundation

Saturday, February 2, 2019 marked the 15th anniversary of the Eclipse Foundation and we'd like to take this opportunity to say thank you! Over the years we've thrived, grown, and changed tremendously and we couldn't have done it without the support of our community! We are looking forward to many more years of success for the Eclipse Foundation and the Eclipse community.

In celebration of our 15 years of the Eclipse Foundation, take a look back at some of our major accomplishments and milestones!

Eclipse Board of Director Candidates


The candidates for this year’s election are listed below. The community will choose three Committer and three Sustaining Member representatives. Individual candidate pages are available here.

 We encourage everyone to consider participating in the election process by reading the position statements and contacting the nominees with any questions.

 Voting begins on February 11, 2019, and ends on February 28 at 3pm Eastern. Winners will be announced on March 5.

All nominees listed below are in alphabetical order

 Committer Representatives

  • Chris Aniszczyk
  • Dani Megert
  • Ed Merks
  • Martijn Verburg

Sustaining Member Representatives

  • Mark Brewer
  • Tracy Miranda
  • Farah Papaioannou
  • Torkild Ulvøy Resheim
  • Gunnar Wagenknecht

Thank you to all the candidates for participating in this valuable process.

The Official Launch of the IoT Marketing Committee

We are proud to announce that the IoT Marketing Committee has been launched.

To increase market awareness and adoption of Eclipse IoT, this committee has been established for Working Group members to collaboratively grow the Eclipse IoT brand by developing co-marketing strategies, aligning on events, amplifying messaging on social channels, and sharing best practices.

The IoT Marketing Committee currently includes representatives from Bosch Software Innovations, Red Hat, Cloudera, and Eurotech.

If you’re a marketing, branding, or social media pro, WE ARE LOOKING FOR YOU! Feel free to contact Jameka Woodberry if you have any questions or want to get involved.

Java EE 8 Compatible Eclipse GlassFish 5.1 Released

Eclipse GlassFish 5.1 is now Java EE 8 certified, which represents a key step to ensuring backward compatibility of Jakarta EE. The completion of Eclipse GlassFish 5.1 was a key accomplishment in allowing work to begin on the release of Jakarta EE 8.  Work is now underway on migrating all of the Java EE specifications to new Eclipse specification projects.  The Eclipse Foundation aims to have Eclipse GlassFish 5.2 be a Jakarta EE 8 compatible implementation. All of the major vendors who have Java EE 8 compatible versions of their commercial products have committed to ensuring their products are Jakarta EE 8 compatible as well.

The release, Eclipse GlassFish, is fully tested under both the open source TCK and proprietary Oracle Java EE 8 TCK and represents more than 13 million lines of code and 95,000 files. Eclipse GlassFish 5.1 is available for download here.

ICYMI: Quarterly Members Meeting Recording

In case you missed the live streamed event, watch the January 2019 Quarterly Members Meeting meeting here on YouTube.

Upcoming Events

Email us to take advantage of the opportunity to promote your Eclipse training or other Eclipse event on the Events Map!

Eclipse Insight: cross domain engineering
February 6, 2019
Munich, Germany

IoT Day Grenoble
February 19-22, 2019
Grenoble, France 

Going Reactive with Streams in Jakarta EE
February 26, 2019
Jakarta Tech Talks series online


Eclipse IoT Day at IoT World
May13, 2019
Santa Clara, CA

SUMO User Conference
May 13-15, 2019
Berlin, Germany

OSS 2019
May 26-27, 2019
Montreal, Quebec

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privacy@xxxxxxxxxxx.  Also, please see our Privacy Policy for more information.


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