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[] Minutes European Marketing WG Aug 11th

Hi everyone -

Here are the minutes from our call in August.  And, just a reminder to mark the date for the next call on Tuesday, September 8th.


European Marketing Working Group
Minutes, August 11th 16:00 CET

1 - News and Updates

Eclipse Insurance Day, Cologne, September 30th
- announcement PR complete, website live
- 23 registrations so far, target is 60 for Sept 30th
- sponsors will have space for a rollup stand and brochures

For next call:
 -ideas for promoting ESE at EID

Braunschweiger Eclipse-Stammtisch, 22. September 2009, 19:00
Bredex GmbH, Mauernstr. 33
- The Braunschweig Stammtisch is an opportunity to share what you're building with Eclipse, what problems you might have encountered and solutions you've discovered.  A new format includes a 30 min. talk that will give speakers and participants an opportunity to get deeper into the topic.  If you would like to present, please send a short overview to eclipsestammtisch@xxxxxxxxx and your talk will be scheduled for the next available time.  For more information, email eclipsestammtisch@xxxxxxxxx - and feel free to invite your friends!

Eclipse Training Series - Lynn

- Eclipse training series - Oct 19-Dec 4, 2009
- Foundation provides central registration and promotion, members provide training - up to 6 events per training provider
- Developing with RCP, Advanced RCP, Equinox and Modelling
-To join the mailing list or view the archives:

- no later than Sept 14th for start of promotion
- there will be a mini banner for the series on download, plugin central, eclipse live and main page

-If anyone or a group wants to record a 5-10 minute training demo to promote the series, Lynn can coordinate to set this up any time
-If anyone records their own demo or video,
Lynn can help promote it
-For a full 1-hour webinar (would be technical content on RCP, Equinox or Modeling rather than just a promo), we could do September or November – dates are very flexible

-Email lynn@xxxxxxxxxxx if you’d like to volunteer for any of these options

2 - Eclipse Summit Europe, Ludwigsburg, Oct 27-29 - Lynn

Hendrik Hoefer - program chair
Ralph Mueller - for information on sponsorships

Program Format - submissions closed August 18th

Tutorials and Symposia - day 1
- roughly 50/50, depending on submissions - symposia lend themselves to projects that want to reach out to their community
Talks -
- customer presentations are especially interesting
Sponsored talks
- extra track for sponsored talks - talks will be vetted by the PC
- product talk - an in-depth technical presentation on the product, examples of software in large IT companies
- will be intermixed with sponsored talks on Wed/Thurs - technical and not just product presentation

- IDE, Embedded, Modeling, Misc (N&N, etc)

Registration is open

- exhibit area outside the presentation rooms is full
- new sponsors can still sign up - important dates available on the website

Executive Day - defer to next call

3 - Joint Conferences - Devoxx - Lynn

-November 16-20 in Antwerp, Belgium
-Exhibition runs November 17-19 only
-Conference gets 3,200 attendees from 35+ countries and sold out in 2007 and 2008
-In past years, the Eclipse Foundation has purchased a Plug-in sponsorship and then member companies took turns staffing the booth
-Plug-in sponsorship (the lowest level) is 3,000 eur and gives a pedestal in the exhibition hall, logo in the printed program and logo on the website

-Bumping up a level to Base sponsorship is 7,800 eur and adds booth space of 6 sqm, a list of conference participants (name, company, country only – no emails), 4 conference passes and an insert in the newsletter

-Eclipse budgeted for Plug-in sponsorship but would need volunteers to staff 17 two-hour slots at the booth

-Extra funds to move up to Base sponsorship would have to come from members sharing the cost

-Last year we had 5 people from 5 member companies volunteer, but they each had to take 3-4 shifts

Linux Tage, Berlin 24-27 June, IDG conference, 12,000 attendees
- focus on European conferences - need to try to find conferences that are relevant for central Europe (all members)

4 - Marketing Working Group

- how can we improve what we're doing - what can we focus on in the future?
- BoF or un-conference at ESE
- more info follows

5 - Reminders

English JAX Portal - from Nadja
This is a preview of the site - but its open for contributions.  Please contact N(adja)Outmani, H(artmut)Schlosser or C(laudia)Froehling at 

Eclipse contact data project -
Next steps
- interested companies get together offline to pursue pilot
- find alternative research companies - Joern and Katharina will look for alternatives

Eclipse Italy, Sept 22-23rd, Bari

Eclipse Now You Can, Paris - in planning for Oct 20th

Eclipse Banking Day - France
- Actuate, Obeo,

- Eclipse members training calendar - on the wiki for all member training courses
- Eclipse Banner is now available for shared use by European members.
- Eclipse Brochures are available on

Susan Iwai
Communications Project Manager


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