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Re: [] Orion workshop/tutorial at ECE

Ok why dont you ask. I think I have heard of tools like that. Often its for larger conferences and the conference has to pay to have a setup for their conference which we probably cant afford. But its worth finding out what it is....



Von: [] Im Auftrag von Susan Schwarze
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 17. Juli 2013 09:27
An: Eclipsecon Program Committee list
Betreff: Re: [] Orion workshop/tutorial at ECE


Re socializing: I have been to a conference where you could network prior and after the event via a networking tool. If you are interested I can ask the organizers which one they have used.







On 16.07.2013, at 10:58, "Campo, Christian" <Christian.Campo@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


I like the "socializing aspect" that you are bringing up. I have that in my mind for a few month now. I think we all "long-time Econ-goers" realize that we dont go there for the talks and sessions (at least thats not the biggest reason) but we go to meet people, to exchange ideas, get help.

Is there something that you guys want to do improve the "socializing" aspect. (other than free beer I mean) Something that you might have seen on another conference, that makes socializing easier.

Especially for newcomers. Like I know Sebastian and I wouldnt think to much ahead of time, before I ask him a question. :-) There are a lot of people new to the EclipseCon conference. How we make it easier for them to do the same ?

Should we have self-stick labels with your projectname and your first name that every committer can stick on their t-Shirt "I am Sebastian, ask me about XText" ?

If that is lame, any better ideas ?


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: [] Im Auftrag von Sebastian Zarnekow
Gesendet: Dienstag, 16. Juli 2013 10:48
An: Eclipsecon Program Committee list
Betreff: Re: [] Orion workshop/tutorial at ECE
Wichtigkeit: Hoch

Hi Christian,

an Orion tutorial would be nice. Even though node.js is not a core-eclipse topic, I think tutorials work best if the presenters are really into idea / technology that is used. If the Orion guys have a good idea about something that uses node, they should do that rather than trying to find something else which they are not that passionate about right now. Maybe the mashup with node inspires the attendees for something completely different and new in the eclipse ecosystem.
So +1 from me for Orion + node.

Regarding hackathons: Even though I really like programming / hacking, I personally wouldn't do that on a conference, since I find the socializing aspects more important. That's why I think even a very well prepared hackathon wouldn't get the attention that it deserves when it's done as a night session. But I like the idea to do it in parallel to other long-running sessions / symposia or probaly even in parallel to the tutorials. As soon as people got started with hacking, chances are good that they will continue that after the conference or in their spare-time. Does that make sense?


On 16.07.2013, at 08:33, Campo, Christian wrote:

Dear PC,

the committee is not just me and Martin :-). I want to get more
feedback on this !!!!

Even if you just agree with Martin. Especially I am interested in your
thoughts about the two alternatives that John proposed.

Any feedback about hackathons ???


Am 15.07.13 21:41 schrieb "Martin Lippert" unter <lippert@xxxxxxx>:


+1 for the general Orion tutorial

The node.js variant sounds interesting, but EclipseCon is maybe the
wrong platform for that. Therefore my strong vote for the general
Orion tutorial. We should definitely have that in the program.


On 15.07.13 17:00, Campo, Christian wrote:

Thanks Ralph. Any one else please leave a comment about your
preference for Orion or the second option "Node.js development with


Von: Ralph Mueller <ralph.mueller@xxxxxxxxxxx
Antworten an: Eclipsecon list
Datum: Montag, 15. Juli 2013 16:32
An: Eclipsecon list
Betreff: Re: [] Orion
workshop/tutorial at ECE

I like it!

Regards / Liebe Grüße,

Ralph Mueller

Director, Eclipse Foundation <>
Mobile: +49 177 449 0460
Office: +49 6251 789545

Am 15.07.2013 um 16:31 schrieb "Campo, Christian"
<Christian.Campo@xxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:Christian.Campo@xxxxxxxxxxxx>>:

Hi PC,
John has a question see below. Any thoughts, feedback on this.
Please reply until tomorrow morning to give a quick feedback round...
*Von:*John Arthorne [
<>] *Gesendet:*Montag, 15. Juli 2013 16:29
*An:*Campo, Christian *Betreff:*Orion workshop/tutorial at ECE Hi

Do you think there is interest in us submitting an Orion workshop
for EclipseCon Europe? We did one last year and I think it went
well. We have added more capabilities and material over the past
year so it wouldn't be an exact repeat. I'm just not sure the PC
perspective on "repeat" tutorials versus more fresh content. We
could alternatvely do a "Node.js development with Orion" workshop
but that is maybe more of a niche interest for typical EclipseCon
attendees. Let me know any thoughts you have (and I realize this
doesn't say anything about what gets accepted because that is a decision for the full PC in the end).


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compeople AG
Untermainanlage 8
60329 Frankfurt/Main
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fax: +49 (0) 69 / 27 22 18 22

Vorstand: Jürgen Wiesmaier
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Christian Glanz

Sitz der Gesellschaft: Frankfurt/Main
Handelsregister Frankfurt HRB 56759
USt-IdNr. DE207665352

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