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Re: [] Budget and slot allocations

How about less short talks and more long talks/tutorials? That seems like a lot of short talks where I think conference goers would benefit more from more long talks.

Thanks for putting this together Bjorn.


Chris Aniszczyk | IBM Lotus | Eclipse Committer | | +1.860.839.2465

Inactive hide details for Bjorn Freeman-Benson ---09/12/2007 10:02:06 AM---EclipseCon Program Committee,  As you are all probabBjorn Freeman-Benson ---09/12/2007 10:02:06 AM---EclipseCon Program Committee, As you are all probably aware, the number of talk slots and the budge


Bjorn Freeman-Benson <bjorn.freeman-benson@xxxxxxxxxxx>


Eclipsecon Program Committee list <>


09/12/2007 10:02 AM


[] Budget and slot allocations

EclipseCon Program Committee,
As you are all probably aware, the number of talk slots and the budget are linked: more talk slots means more rooms we need to rent, more AV we need to rent, more door monitors, and more comp registrations to give away. In doing the budget for Mike to present to the Finance Committee, here's what I've come up with for the slot allocations:
    • Tutorials: 80 in 20 parallel sessions on Monday. Each is two hours and is entitled to two comp registrations. (It is really important that the tutorials have *hands on results* that the attendees can take away. It's a lot of work to prepare a good tutorial and that's why they get two comp registrations.)
    • Long talks: 80 in 5 parallel sessions on each of Tue-Wed-Thu. One hour (50 minutes) and has one comp registration.
    • Short talks: 160 in 2 parallel sessions on each of Tue-Wed-Thu. 10 minutes and has a 20% discount registration coupon. (10 minutes = 1/5 of 50 minutes; 20% = 1/5 of 100%).
I spoke to Doug yesterday and he pointed out that these are different numbers than the preliminary numbers I had given him (the maximum space capacity numbers) and, yes, they are. He said that he would re-do the allocations.

Additionally, here are the relevant dates:
    • Sept 24 - Eclipsezilla opens
    • Nov 19 - submissions close for all types
    • Dec 10 - program 90% completed (basically, the program is completed but we might leave a few slots open for late breaking items)
    • Feb 7 - program 100% complete
- Bjorn
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