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[] Keynotes

Hi folks,


I’m trying to organize the keynote options in a coherent way so we can make some decisions ASAP.


I have done the following:

·         Pushed a few folks off the list.

·         Labeled them as: (1) humorist, (2) open source, (3) misc technology

·         Located home pages, Wikipedia pages, and YouTube samples


Please take a look in preparation for next week’s meeting.  Some specific actions I need help with:



·         Lang Lang sounds really intriguing, but I’ll bet he’s expensive.  He’s also touring like mad according to his website.  Can you make contact to find out his interest/availability/cost?

·         Douglas Coupland also has a very interesting bio and book list.  He would be my preference over Lang Lang.  Also likely very expensive.  Can you pursue for more info?



·         Is Cory still a possibility?  I think you were going to talk to Ward about him.




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