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Re: [] OpenJDK going GPL, EPLv2... => can we include OpenJDK?


I think the IP Advisory Committee and the IP team would be best to have the legal discussion. IMHO the two important things among that discussion are: distribution and liability.

As far as the AC is concerned, we need to discuss whether we want to get into the business of shipping a JRE with the Eclipse Packages and all its technical implications (think security vulnerabilities, response time, communications, respins, etc.) or whether we want to delegate this to an external entity (eg., Linux distribution packager/maintainers).

Bluntly speaking, I have strong reservations that we have the resources currently to manage such a process with the infrastructure at hand and voluntary time of contributors.

Oh and last but not least, we do have an EPLv2 licensed JVM at Eclipse:

It doesn't provide binaries, though.


Gunnar Wagenknecht

On Sep 13, 2017, at 09:56, Mickael Istria <mistria@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi all,

Those are crazy times for the Eclipse and Java open-source world! The EPLv2 is released with some level of compatibility with the GPL, and OpenJDK is going to be GPL ( ).
I imagine that changes a bit how we can consider including OpenJDK in projects (I mostly think about non Java-dev oriented RCP or Web apps).

Concretely, does all that allow a project to ship OpenJDK just by opening a CQ or does it still require Board approval? Are there specific constraints that would come with this mix, or is it fully covered by the EPLv2?

Thanks in advance for your insights
Mickael Istria
Eclipse IDE developer, at Red Hat Developers community
Elected Committer Representative at the Eclipse Foundation board of directors
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