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[eclipse-pmc] Advice / Mentoring about an IPLog Issue in Xtext

Hello all,
I am not sure if this is the right place to ask. I am now Co-Load for Xtext and i need advice / help with an IP Log Issue in Xtext and My Fellow Co-Load does not answer my questions and does not comment on the issue. The problem is described here: The issue that there are some old (2015) releases/betas/rcs of Xtext Idea that contain antlr-generator which cannot get ip approval and which was not found in all the recent ip logs.

zip:file:///home/data/httpd/!/org.eclipse.xtend.idea/lib/antlr-generator-3.2.1.jar zip:file:///home/data/httpd/!/org.eclipse.xtend.idea/lib/antlr-generator-3.2.1.jar zip:file:///home/data/httpd/!/org.eclipse.xtend.idea/lib/antlr-generator-3.2.1.jar zip:file:///home/data/httpd/!/org.eclipse.xtend.idea/lib/antlr-generator-3.2.1.jar

how can we deal with that. i am not sure what can be deleted and what not and what needs to be patched and what is allowed to be patched.

I assume what we can simply delete the rcs and the beta
but i am not sure what to do with the release.

- are we allowed to simply delete it as well?
- do we have to patch it?

Thanks for your help

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