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[eclipse-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Stephan Herrmann

eclipse PMC Members,
This automatically generated message marks the completion of voting for
Stephan Herrmann's Committer status on the eclipse.jdt.core project. As a
PMC member, you can approve or disapprove this vote through your My
Foundation portal page:

Stephan Herrmann was nominated by Olivier Thomann as follows:
I would like to nominate Stephan Herrmann to get commit rights to the
jdt.core, jdt.doc projects and all jdt.core tests projects.
This should also include commit rights to the web page of JDT/Core.
Stephan has been involved with JDT/Core for several months now and he made
significant contributions to the compiler especially around data flow
He is a dedicated contributor that has spent hours helping us on different
issues over the last years. It is time for him to get the commit rights.

Vote summary: 6/0/0 with 9 not voting 
   ?  Martin Aeschlimann
  +1  Jayaprakash Arthanareeswaran
   ?  David Audel
   ?  Jim Des Rivieres
   ?  Sonia Dimitrov
  +1  Frederic Fusier
   ?  Erich Gamma
  +1  Ayushman Jain
   ?  Eric Jodet
  +1  Satyam Kandula
   ?  Jerome Lanneluc
   ?  Kim Moir
   ?  Philippe Mulet
  +1  Srikanth Sankaran
  +1  Olivier Thomann

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