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Re: [eclipse-pmc] Publishing 0.9 API's for new components

Anybody using a package with "internal" in the name is obviously making use of things that are not API, regardless of how you OSGi it.  I think you should talk to Jim des Rivieres (the API king) about "provisional API", "internal API" and "0.9 API".

Jeff McAffer/Ottawa/IBM@IBMCA
Sent by: eclipse-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

11/28/2007 09:48 PM

Please respond to

Re: [eclipse-pmc] Publishing 0.9 API's for new components

p2 has the same problem.  we have large swaths of stuff that we intend for consumers to call and larger swaths of stuff that they are not supposed to call.  The challenge is that we are not confident in the shape of "the stuff that consumers should call".  Worse, there is some of that stuff that people will have to call for p2 (or API Tooling) to be integrated into the SDK.  

Clearly the unambiguously internal should be marked as x-internal := true and has "internal" in the package name.   But what do we do about the stuff that people are supposed to call but we cannot guarantee?  Putting it in an internal package blurs the distinction and hinders early adopters.  We can use "provisional" as a human readable distinguisher.  That still leaves the question of x-internal := true.  Setting it to "false" (or omitting the directive) is signals its interest to consumers but is inaccurate wrt API-ness.  Setting the directive to "true" solves that problem but forces all consumers to either live with the warnings or turn them off.

There is a further issue of whether or not we have the extra segment (internal or provisional) in the package name thereby forcing all to change their code when we finally do graduate.  BTW, with the state of our current and coming API tooling the value of using the "internal" segment is IMHO minimal.  It might be convenient for the bundle writters but with proper filtering, errors/warnings and build time validation it is unnecessary.

On a different note we have historically had the need to ship whole bundles that are in effect internal implementation details.  Tomcat and Xerces spring to mind as examples.  If for example we had a way to describe non-API *bundles* then we could mark all of p2 and API tools as not API.

Finally, what Darin suggested (using 0.9) is the superficial equivalent of "not graduating" the function.  That is, would we ship incubator content in 3.4?


Steve Northover/Ottawa/IBM@IBMCA
Sent by: eclipse-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

11/28/2007 04:47 PM

Please respond to

Re: [eclipse-pmc] Publishing 0.9 API's for new components

Here is my initial position: Either something is API or it is not.  If it is API, then it is not subject to change.  If you are not sure, don't make it API.

Darin Wright/Ottawa/IBM@IBMCA
Sent by: eclipse-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

11/28/2007 12:56 PM

Please respond to

[eclipse-pmc] Publishing 0.9 API's for new components


API tooling work is progressing in the PDE incubator ( We envision some form
of API tooling to ship with the 3.4 Eclipse release. API tooling itself
will have an API. As with any first release of a component we are hesitant
to commit to a public/stable API that will be supported for all versions
of API tooling to come. I believe there are other components that will
have similar issues in the 3.4 release (p2, for example). Is there some
style/guideline we can follow to publish these "0.9 APIs" that are subject
to change?


Darin Wright

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