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[eclipse-mirrors] What is the best way to do infrequent internal mirroring?


Google mirrors the Eclipse releases internally to a networked file system for access by our developers.  We only update the mirror after the triannual releases (N.N.0, N.N.1, N.N.2).

For the last couple of years we have used the Buckminster aggregator to create our internal mirror, which is simple for the N.N.0 releases, but is a real pain with the .1 and .2 releases since the aggregator/p2 reports version conflicts in the repos so there is a lot of tuning to get only the latest.  (A script is using an older version of the command line aggregator, I can try updating to the the Buckminster aggregator has been updated lately to better deal with this scenario.)

I just discovered this mailing list and the script, but I'm not sure if the standard Eclipse mirroring can be used meet our needs.  Ideally we would only mirror the most recent release (e.g., 3.7.1 without 3.7.0).  At the top level we use composite repositories to tie together offerings from Eclipse, our internally generated plug-ins, and other third party plugins, so only getting an exact release works well.  Does anyone have suggestions on the best way for us to grab the 3.7.1 and future releases?  Is that the "releases" part of the mirror?

Thanks in advance,
Terry Parker

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