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Re: [eclipse-mirrors] Clarification around mirror script


The script is provided as a basic guideline -- feel free to rsync with us as best you see fit. Below are some clarifications:

Vladimir Vitkov wrote:
Why we are not fine?
 * because the script syncs the TIME file but does no checking on it
 * because it uselessly at least scans the whole archive causing
unneded strain on both disks and networks.

The TIME file is a mechanism we use to see how fresh our mirrors are. We generate the TIME file every hour regardless of any change in the tree, and we poll all our mirrors' TIME file every hour.

- if we can not retrieve your TIME, we assume you are down, unreachable or no longer mirroring Eclipse, and remove you from our list. We keep trying indefinitely in case you come back.

- if your TIME file is old, we assume something is wrong with your RSYNC and only list your mirror when users request files older than your TIME

We typically ask our mirrors to rsync every 24 hours. Within that period, you are practically *guaranteed* something has changed. If, for instance, you're only mirroring Platform releases, then you could set your cron job to rsync only on the weekends, when traffic and disk activity are usually quite low.

Also as a side note if you are syncing the full archive (at least from
mirrorservice) there is an error in the sync line. It is:
  	$RSYNC -rtlvp --delete $RSYNC_HOST::$RSYNC_PATH/* $mirror_path
but should be:
  	$RSYNC -rtlvp --delete --delete-after $RSYNC_HOST::$RSYNC_PATH/ $mirror_path

This way it is much more cleaner and usefull.

--delete assumes --delete-before, which, on mirrors with low disk space, is likely more convenient. Again, feel free to use whichever --delete-WHEN and verbosity options are best for your mirror.

Thanks for your feedback,



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