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Re: [eclipse-incubator-e4-dev] Fw: Declarative UI roundup?

This is interesting.  XML is good in that it has tooling, but other formats are arguably even more wrist and eye-friendly.  Given our web aspirations, JSON seems particularly interesting...

Ed- is there a JSON marshaller for EMF objects yet?

-Dave Orme

On Nov 6, 2008 6:47 PM, "向雅" <fyaoxy@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

2 points: an UI declaration, and a thought. UI declaration:
above sample can be like this:

@layout: fill;
label: "hello, world"; text{style: BORDER; layoutData: "grow"}

Huge simple?  if yes, again:

@layout: "fill";
       text{ style: SINGLE, BORDER;}
@forms: true;

       @id: loginSection;
       sectionStyle: ExpandableComposite.TITLE_BAR;
       text: 登录系统;
       layoutData: "center";
               @id: sectionClient;
               layout: "wrap 3", "[][250:pref:400,fill][]", "[]5[]";
               label: 您的数字证书:;
               text { @id: certFile; text: ""; }
               button { @id: browse; text: 选择文件(&B)...; style: PUSH; }

               label: 您的密码:;
               text { @id: password; text: ""; style: PASSWORD; }
               button { @id: login; text: "登录系统(&L)   "; style: PUSH; }
       client: @sectionClient;

2, a thought: at this time, in the world, the most question is not can
you do. instead, just be: How and what make better.Yes? like David
style, I do answer, sure.:)

Best! qinxian

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