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[eclipse-incubator-e4-dev] ESE 2008 Symposium

Hi all,

The e4 Symposium at ESE 2008 already has a good number of registrants, but I haven't seen many position papers yet. Please have a look at the description of the Symposium ( and submit a position paper soon - the deadline is Tuesday, November 4, 2008. Please send submissions to e4summit@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

To be able to attend, you have to submit a position paper. We will use the position papers to come up with a Agenda, and to seed the discussions at the Symposium itself. Think of it as an opportunity to introduce yourself to the other people interested in e4, and as an opportunity to push your favorite topic onto the agenda for e4.

Here are some examples of what position papers could be about:

  • "I think the current Eclipse Platform is really good at X. It is important that X is still easy with e4. ... explain what X is about, how it is useful, and why e4 should have a work area focused on X."
  • "I think the current Eclipse Platform does not do X well at all. It is important that X is supported by e4. ... explain what X is about, how it is useful, and why e4 should have a work area focused on X."
  • "Everyone should be able to build e4 from source, and it should be really easy to do that. e4 should use the X build system because ..."
  • "We need e4 to be scriptable. This is what I always wanted to do with Eclipse using scripting but couldn't: 1. ... 2. ... 3. ..."
  • "The plug-in spy is great - e4 needs something like this from the very start, but it could be even better. The current PDE plug-in spy displays the following information: 1. ... 2. ... 3. ... but we also need a. ... b. ... c. ..."

Hope this helps,

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