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Re: [eclipse-incubator-e4-dev] [resources] Resource Folder filters

I would put the resource filters into the EFS layer. Essentially
telling EFS what to exclude/include. The file/directory
hierarchy stays intact but some files/directories become

VS style groups and linked resources change the structure and
should be done at the resource level or the application level.


Hi all,

We're working on a "Resource Folder Filter" feature that, a little bit like Visual Studio does, allows to control which files and folders are picked up when a refresh is performed in the workspace on a folder.

The Resource Folder Filter works very simply by the ability to set a list of filters (which can be extended with a core resource extension point) on a IFolder, whether it is a standard folder or linked resource, and the option to make it "inherited", in which cases it applies to all its children folders. A filter can be defined to either "include only" or "exclude all" files and folders matching a given criteria

A default filter is available that allows the user to specify an "include only" filter that match a string pattern, such as "*.c;*.h".

This feature will allow significant performance and scalability improvement for users having a large file system tree, as as opposed to hidden resources, filtered files and folders are not created in the resource tree, so don't consume needlessly resources.

Let me know what you guys think, thanks!

Serge Beauchamp.
Software Engineer
Freescale Semiconductor
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