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RE: [eclipse-incubator-e4-dev] [resources] Alias management

> Symlinks are useful, but in general they're not cross platform, not
> easy to create and don't copy well.

Still, as a matter of fact, end-users do set up their workspaces
and build systems with symbolic links, so we must handle them
properly for the use-cases that Terry mentioned.

In terms of terminology, let's use
  "linked resource" for any links managed by Eclipse, 
  "fs alias" for any means of multiple file system
       paths referring to the same physical file or
       folder -- there's at least 4 kinds of fs alias:
    (a) "symlink" symbolic links on the file system.
    (b) "hard link" -- POSIX hard link i.e. multiple names for 1 file
    (c) "mount point" -- Same volume mounted on multiple points
               e.g. Windows subst mechanism or same NFS share
               on multiple mount points
    (d) Others e.g. "C:\PROGRA~1" == "C:\Program Files"

There's probably more kinds of FS alias like the iSeries
case sensitivity thing that McQ mentioned and that Szymon
is currently exploring.

Martin Oberhuber, Senior Member of Technical Staff, Wind River
Target Management Project Lead, DSDP PMC Member

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