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Re: [eclipse-incubator-e4-dev] SWT port to Flex

From what I understand, the W3C provides a portable API for this.  At one point, I saw an implementation that ran on IE and Mozilla (but this was way back).

If you had a DOM API to program from Java, how would this be better than "run this hunk"?  Is the problem that you can't get a result back to Java?  I imagine that would be easier to address than implementing a complete W3C DOM (or whatever) for Java.  Besides, DOM programming seems clumsy and verbose to me from Java.

Also, UI's go two ways:  You kick the UI and it kicks you.  It seems that you also need a way to call Java from browser code as well as calling the browser code from Java.  It's call-in/call-out (yet again).  Flex has a nice API to do both when interacting with the Flash player.

I don't see why this couldn't be part of e4.  As has been said elsewhere, things that make sense in e4 may find their way into 3.x but there is no guarantee of this.  Can you formalize what you are looking for, google to find out what others do and perhaps hack up some mock sample code?

Patrick Mueller <pmuellr@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: eclipse-incubator-e4-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

09/19/2008 05:48 PM

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Re: [eclipse-incubator-e4-dev] SWT port to Flex

I understand.  I think I just have a different problem that isn't addressed by e4.  Which is a bit confusing since both problem spaces talk to "the web".

I think my main problem boils down to: I want more API on SWT Browser so I can talk from inside the browser to outside (Java), and probably finer control over talking to the inside (browser) from the outside (Java) than the current "run this hunk of _javascript_ code" method.  For example, it would be nice to have direct access to the DOM from Java.

You could view this as purely "SWT Browser enhancement", or perhaps lump it into e4 somehow as a "web-ish enhancement", kinda like bringing CSS concepts into SWT.

On Sep 19, 2008, at 2:39 PM, Steve Northover wrote:

 We need an advanced Java editor that can run both on the desktop and the web.  That's all.

Patrick Mueller

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