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Re: [eclipse-incubator-e4-dev] CSS DOM Binding

2) General purpose API added to SWT that will enable CSS

I like this approach as it keeps SWT as lean as possible. The additions to SWT would work like this in my mind:

a) Have an SWT.Create event that would be called for widget creation

This allows the Styling/CSS framework to intercept these events (via a Display.addFilter(...) and do styling before they are presented to the user).

b) There needs to be some notion of id / class to widgets so you can target CSS styling if you want to

This can be done via the Styling/CSS framework on widget creation or handled internally by SWT somehow. All this stuff could be stored via setData(...)

c) PDE/Platform UI provide some type of pimp CSS editor that is some how "SWT aware" to make all this easy

That's at least how I picture things in my mind currently.

Once 3.4 is finally closed, I'm sure people will be excited to prototype this. I even hear a certain handsome gentlemen by the name of Matthew Hatem has some code kicking around.


~ Chris Aniszczyk

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