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Re: [eclipse-incubator-e4-dev] CSS DOM Binding

Hi Olivier,

Sounds like very interesting stuff. Is there a public repo? This would nicely fit into my prototype because I'm using EMF too there.

Last night I couldn't fall to asleep because I thought about Kevin's notice that an E4-RCP application should not look like Eclipse or any other RCP (Kevin you are the one to blame that I walk around like zombie today :-).

Maybe replacing the current rendering components with something like this: or because my prototype is radical JavaFX, Swing, Qt-Jambi or simply Nebula-Widgets like PShelf.

My current prototype has a seperate Model but the Control/View is wired in one class and I plan to split this and using a ServiceLocator to inject the View into the controller.


olivier@xxxxxxxxxxxx schrieb:

The last open source project I made was under LGPL. I don't have any
concern to place this one under EPL (but I never spent time to
investigate about their differences :-( )

About GEF :

I plan to use GEF on both sides, at the moment, I am just able to create
a viewer in a composite given this composite and an EMF model. (like an
outliner of the emf editor)
EMF model is displayed in the viewer using EditParts, there is 2
different POCs, one based on 'pure' draw2d figures and one based on SWT
I postponed the 'pure' draw2d engine because I need to redraw most of
the widgets from scratch. I will keep it and use it for example for
graphs (Zest) or more complex and graphical elements.

At the moment, are implemented :

* RowLayout,
* FillLayout
* RowData
* Composite
* Button
* Text

No more, I don't need more for my tests -;)

The user is able to :

Adding/Removing/Modifying/Reparenting  any element of the model
(Control, Layout, LayoutData...). using EMF editor or directly in the
EMF model using API.
Changes are directly refreshed to the displayed viewer.

Change states of displayed widgets like selecting button, filling
text... (and the changes are reflected into the the model, including
Adapter notification if existing)

I currently work on :

Using EMF Databing (by describing binding context using EMF, second model..)
Creating editPolicies allowing to edit (like in a visual editor) the
In theory, it should be possible to change editpolicies at runtime, then
visualy editing a running viewer (toggle from runtime to Visual
Edition)... but I did not start to work on it, then I am not sure at all !!!


Jochen Krause a écrit :
Olivier, that sounds great. Please add it to the wiki. Just fyi - your project needs to license the code under the EPL to be able to contribute to e4.

And one more question: Are you using GEF for the tooling or for the runtime side?


-----Original Message-----
From: eclipse-incubator-e4-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:eclipse-incubator-e4-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of olivier@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2008 10:17 AM
To: E4 developer list
Subject: Re: [eclipse-incubator-e4-dev] CSS DOM Binding

Hi all,

I started, few monthes ago, a new open source project using EMF & GEF as a base for a Declarative UI engine.
Do you think I should add things to this wiki ?
My project is at the moment a POC (and probably less than that), I try to validate every declarative UI requirements before to start to publish it ;-)


Christopher Aniszczyk a écrit :
Angelo, I quickly glanced over your technique of CSS/SWT. I noticed you used the method of adding a Display filter on SWT.Show events to do the styling. Is there a better way to do this? Do we need something from SWT to give a better notification of lifecycle than what we have now? Maybe the venerable SWT team can answer this question.

Maybe someone can get the various methods of styling out there currently so we can learn about them:

What do you think Angelo? Want to put your technique on the wiki so people learn about it?

On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 7:11 PM, Angelo zerr <angelo.zerr@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:angelo.zerr@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    Hi sorry

    for my new mail about TK-UI
    <>, but I have started
    TK-UI features <>
    where I speak about DOM, CSS and Databinding into TK-UI.
    Is it possible to add the TK-UI features
    <> link to the
    E4/Modeling <>?

    Don't hesitate to contact me if you have questions.

    Regards Angelo

    eclipse-incubator-e4-dev mailing list


~ Chris Aniszczyk

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