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Re: [eclipse-incubator-e4-dev] Initial discussion on the 'modelled' workbench UI

I'm going back to bed, I'm under the weather today. Tom, let me know if there's anything I can do...Monday...

I have plenty of them but I think they are better discussed on IRC ;-) One thing I'm not sure is if this is a bug or I don't understand your model correctly but take this code:

1 // Client Area
2 ModelElement clientArea = new ModelElement(GuiModel.FID_CLIENT, "Client Area"); //$NON-NLS-1$
3 wbwModel.setProperty(WBW_CLIENT_AREA, clientArea);
4 clientArea.setProperty(ModelElement.ME_PARENT, wbwModel);
5 wbwModel.addElement(ModelElement.ME_CONTENTS, clientArea);

Why do you restore the clientArea-instance as an attribute in your model and as ME_CONTENTS? In fact code line 4 is senseless if your current code is correct because ModelElement#addElement() by definition updates the parent :-)

Another thing I'm not happy with are that I need to take care myself that the parent-child relationship is up-to-date all the times myself.

This is going to be a steady point of failure where one forgets to update one side and are left with a non bidirectional model although in theory it should be one :-(

I'm talking about code like this:
wbwModel.setProperty(WBW_TOP_TRIM, topTrim);
topTrim.setProperty(ModelElement.ME_PARENT, wbwModel);

Couldn't you simply check inside setProperty() if the given value is a ModelElement and update the parent automatically?

Another problem I am facing with this admitedly small model is to extract which property has meaning for which "ModelElement-Type". Which properties does Perspective-ModelElement support, which of them is a String, Integer, ModelElement, ... .

Hope you feel better on Monday or did played Pool to long last night :-)


B e s t S o l u t i o n . a t                        EDV Systemhaus GmbH
tom schindl                               leiter softwareentwicklung/CSO
eduard-bodem-gasse 8/3    A-6020 innsbruck      phone    ++43 512 935834

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