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Re: [eclipse-dev] Planning Meeting Notes - Sept 16, 2009

> support for J2SE-1.7 execution environment

Minor nit: I've seen references like this in a few places, so just wanted to remind people that there is no such thing as J2SE 1.7 or J2SE 7.0. Since Java 6 "J2SE" has been replaced with "Java SE" [1]. The release name is "Java SE 7", and the JVM version number is 1.7. I just wanted to mention this so we are consistent as we start to develop specific features for Java 7 in the next release.

[1] -

Mike Wilson/Ottawa/IBM@IBMCA
Sent by: eclipse-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

09/16/2009 10:48 AM

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"General development mailing list of the Eclipse project."        <eclipse-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

[eclipse-dev] Planning Meeting Notes - Sept 16, 2009

[ Hopefully, more mail got through this week, but please let me know
 if you sent me something and doesn't appear below. ]


- support for J2SE-1.7 execution environment
- added abstract API classes for asynchronous debug commands (284363)
- moved "restart" API action/icon to platform (from CDT - 286256)
- bug fixing (13 other bugs fixed)

- UI to specify internal/API packages used in API use scan
- PDE source lookup supports JSR 045
- released spell checking support for TOC/Context Help editors
- bug fixing

- Bug 203522 - Export Ant buildfiles: Including a user specific
 buildfile in build.xml doesn't work
- investigating proper support for headless external tool
 builders (264338)

JDT Core:
- bug fixes
- continue investigation on jsr308
- preparing 3.6 plan for JDT/Core
- 3.6M2 verification

- working towards 3.6 M2 (testing, bug fixing, N&N)
- continued to work on computing Type Hierarchy view's content
 in the background
- continued to work on improved UI for configuring the 'Expand
 with Constructors' feature in the Call Hierarchy

Platform Text and JDT Text:
- working towards 3.6 M2 (testing, bug fixing, N&N)
- made 'Wrap search' the default in Find/Replace dialog
- 3 days vacation

Platform Search:
- working towards 3.6 M2 (testing, bug fixing, N&N)

- finishing up M2
- starting M3 work
- work on p2 installation/update verification framework.
- work on using JUnit4 with our test framework.
- working on automated tests for update from 3.5 to 3.6 and rollback
- started exploration on DI for p2
- RFC 138, new draft written to remove assumption on a real nested
 - lifecycle issues and performance issues when using a real nested
   framework for isolation

Rel. Eng.:
- working with foundation to troubleshoot intermittent CVS timeouts:
- 3.5.1 endgame
- 3.6M2 builds
- test builds are successful on hudson:
- moved up to Orbit stable build
- bug fixing

User Assistance:
- milestone testing
- working on extension points to add buttons and frames to the
 help webapp

- last week's unexpected 3.5.1 fix went well
- 3.6 work:
 - bug fixes
 - horizontal mouse wheel support
 - StyledText variable tab stops
 - support for multi-page TIFF images
 - new API: Browser.close()
   -> clients should ideally invoke this API instead of dispose()
      if their Browser content could contain onbeforeunload

- work on performance survey tool
- 3.5 perf tests:
 - verification for build M20090911-1628: OK
- 3.6 perf tests:
 - back to normal after having been broken by the first released of
   the performance survey tool since the beginning of September
 - verification for build I20090915-0100: OK

- the Platform Workspace 3.6 dev plan available under:
- bug fixing for M2 and inbox triage
- Tomasz and Szymon on vacation

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