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[eclipse-dev] Bug Tossing Graphs

Dear Eclipse developers,

This is Sung Kim, a software engineering researcher at Hong Kong
University of Science and Technology. Recently we analyzed bug
assignment process by mining Eclipse bug reports. We found that many
bug tossing events, bug reports are assigned developers and the
developers toss the bug reports to other developers. Based on the bug
tossing information, we develop a Markov model which captures bug
tossing history to help bug assignment process. Please find the
attached sample bug tossing graph. (Perhaps you need to zoom-in to see
the details.)

Each node in the graph indicates a developer and edges indicate
tossing and fixing relationship. For example, among all bugs assigned
to Mddumn, 34% of them are tossed to and fixed by Jerome.Bozier (if
they are not fixed by Mddumn). The size of nodes indicates the sum of
incoming edges. The bigger nodes get more bugs from other developers.
For example, Darin Wright gets many bugs from others.

We believe this graph can help (1) discover developer structures, and
(2) bug assignment process. For example, the clusters in the graph
show developer groups. This graph might be used as a cheat sheet to
assign or toss bugs to other developers. For example, if you are
considering tossing a bug to Chanskw, you might want to CC the bug to
Darin Wright as well.

We’d like to get some feedback from you, since you are actively
assigning, tossing, and fixing bugs. Please let us know what you think
of this graph. What do you like/hate about this graph? Do you think it
might be useful? Are there any other possible usages of this graph?
Any comments are welcome. Based on your comments we will adjust our
research direction.

Best Regards,
Sung Kim

Attachment: eclipse_1_100000_graph.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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