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Re: [eclipse-dev] Platform Planning Meeting post-notes, Oct 1, 2008

To clarify the bugzilla issue, the problem is that many bugs are being reported against Eclipse>Platform>Update rather than RT>Equinox>p2. The Eclipse>Equinox product was removed from bugzilla so there is no confusion for other parts of Equinox. I'm going to investigate getting the Update component marked as "legacy" or "deprecated" to avoid the confusion.

For EasyMock, I have added some details on the wiki here: Unless your tests aleady require Java 5, I suggest holding off on adopting EasyMock until we move our testing completely to Java 5+.


Boris Bokowski/Ottawa/IBM@IBMCA
Sent by: eclipse-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

10/02/2008 10:14 AM

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[eclipse-dev] Platform Planning Meeting post-notes, Oct 1, 2008

- Please ensure that new bugs against Equinox components are filed against RT/Equinox/<component>, not against the old location Eclipse/Equinox/<component>.
- Easymock is now part of the test framework feature. To start using it, add a dependency on it (it's in Orbit). John A to write a wiki page about the details.

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