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Re: [eclipse-dev] Architecture meeting notes

As Dani observed, we are already aware of existing leaks...
I would like to see these bugs assessed and targeted for 3.4M5. Severe leak fixes could be considered for 3.3.2 as well maybe...,NEW,ASSIGNED,REOPENED&value-1-2-0=leak&value0-0-0=&votes=&order=bugs.bug_severity,bugs.priority,bugs.bug_severity,bugs.priority,bugs.target_milestone,bugs.bug_id&query_based_on=

Tod Creasey <Tod_Creasey@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: eclipse-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

12/12/2007 17:44

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[eclipse-dev] Architecture meeting notes

Forming a performance dynamic team to decide on a way to detect resource and memory leaks. Teams are requested to provide a representative.
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