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Re[2]: [eclipse-dev] Eclipse package 1.5mb smaller


MRA> So thats about 1% smaller and probably needs more cpu to unpack.
MRA> I think i'll live with the extra 1.5mb extra ;)

You are wrong: unpacking will be at same speed or even faster
(slightly, because file to decompress is smaller). Package is maybe only
1% smaller, but it is always 1.5mb. 1.5mb x 10000 downloads = big
number for bandwidth giver (15gb). There are still people with 128kbps DSL (at least in my
country), tell them that 1,5mb is only 1% ;-)

Also we can do even more - pack Windows edition using 7-zip SFX (no
external packed needed for decmpression).

Let see at numbers:

1. Original Archive: 96955982 bytes (
2. Unpacked Original: 104111769 bytes
3. Same as 2, but after ZIPmax: 102537446 bytes, 1574323 bytes smaller
4. Same as 3, but after packing using 7-zip (Ultra/LZMA/32mb
dictionary, solid archive, fastbytes=160, SFX): 88378277 bytes
5. ZIPmaxing took ~50 minutes (P4 2.4 Northwood).
6. 7-ZIPping took ~5 minutes (P4 2.4 Northwood).

1 vs 2 - ~6.87% smaller.
3 vs 2 - ~1.5% smaller
4 vs 1 - ~8.85% smaller

Generally 7-zip vs ZIP gives better results, but Eclipse contains much
already compressed data.


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