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[eclipse-dev] Problem with export plugin to archive file on linux (eclipse >= 3.1m5)

  I can't export plugin project in archive file on linux 
(eclipse > 3.1m5 - last cvs don't work, too)
  I see that build make ant task liek this (tarGz format)

 <exec executable="tar" dir="${assemblyTempDir}">
  <arg line="-cvf ${tarargs} ${archiveFullPath} ${archivePrefix} "/>
 <move file="${archiveFullPath}" tofile="${assemblyTempDir}/${collectingFolder}/tmp.tar"/>
 <gzip src="${assemblyTempDir}/${collectingFolder}/tmp.tar" zipfile="${archiveFullPath}"/>

This call tar command like this :

 tar -cvf myplugin.tar.gz

and it doesn't work (list files/directory missing)

This work (have point on the end) :

 tar -cvf myplugin.tar.gz .

and ant task like :

 <exec executable="tar" dir="${assemblyTempDir}">
  <arg line="-cvf ${tarargs} ${archiveFullPath} ${archivePrefix} ."/>


or change exec, move and gzip with tar task :

 <tar destfile="${archiveFullPath}" compression="gzip" basedir="${assemblyTempDir}" />

 I think that enough change line 426 in

parameters.add("-cvf " + getPropertyFormat(PROPERTY_TAR_ARGS) + ' ' + getPropertyFormat(PROPERTY_ARCHIVE_FULLPATH) + ' ' + getPropertyFormat(PROPERTY_ARCHIVE_PREFIX) + ' '); //$NON-NLS-1$
parameters.add("-cvf " + getPropertyFormat(PROPERTY_TAR_ARGS) + ' ' + getPropertyFormat(PROPERTY_ARCHIVE_FULLPATH) + ' ' + getPropertyFormat(PROPERTY_ARCHIVE_PREFIX) + " . "); //$NON-NLS-1$

 Haris Peco

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