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[eclipse-dev] Install doubt

Hi, I don't if this is the list to post my question, but I haven't found a eclipse-user list. If it's not the place to post, please tell me wich wolud be.

Here I go.
I'm quite new to eclipse (never used Eclipse 2 O:-) ) and I have a little problem with the upgrade of versions and the plugins update sites...
I'm using the following structure, with my own paths -->

This way of doing is just for external downloaded plugins, isn't it?
I say this because i have one problem... when migrating from one version to another, I lost the update sites bookmarks, that i've got.
As I've installed plugins in external directories, this don't affect the configuration of my Eclipse... but i've spent time searching in it, and i don't want to loose the sites.

I've found the bookmarks.xml file, and can do it manually... but I just would like to make it in an automatic way.

So, my questions are:
Is this installing technique the best I can choose? Is there any better?
How can I automate the replication of bookmarks and of inside installed plugins?

Thanks a lot

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