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[eclipse-dev] Using the PDE eclipse.buildScript ant task

> The document that Pascal refers to may be the how-to
> that you're looking for.. 
> Kim 

Kim & Pascal,

  Thanks very much.  This has helped, but even with
the references, I'm having difficulaty getting the
ant tasks to work properly.  Documentation (online
and in the code) is rather sparse, and I'm hoping
that I'm just missing something obvious...

  I'm trying to use the following build.xml and the
PDE ant tasks to regenerate a build file:

  <project name="Test" default="main">
  <target name="main" description="Generates project build scripts">
          <eclipse.buildScript elements="${elements}" buildDirectory="${buildDirectory}" />

  I'm running using the Eclipse antRunner application as
shown below:

  C:/j2sdk1.4.2/bin/java.exe \
	-cp c:/Sandbox/component/eclipse/win32/3.0.0/startup.jar \
	org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main \
	-application org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner \
	-Delements=feature@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-feature \

  No matter what I try, I can't seem to get the task to run
locate the element to build:

  Buildfile: c:\Sandbox\component\ebt\eclipse3\module\ide\build.xml


  org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException: Cannot find feature:

  Total time: 0 seconds

  Any thoughts or comments?  Is there someplace else I can be
looking for information on this task?


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