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I have recently come across this and although to me it doesn't make sense to
utilise it in the small company that I work for. In an large open source
project such as eclipse it seems like a prime candidate. Especially as it
would mean that I can actually easily submit unit tests as bug reports:

Using the FRAMEWORK FOR INTEGRATED TEST is the closest mere
mortals get to being inside Ward Cunningham's brain. Here's
how it works: FIT is a unit testing program that can parse
HTML tables. The first column (say) of the HTML table has a
function to be called, the second column has an expected
result. You have a big pile of these tests, all in the same
table. This tester program outputs in HTML, adding a third
column: the actual result. Here's the smart part: you run
this program as a CGI script, and it gets its HTML tables
from the referrer Webpage. You put those test tables on a
Wiki, so you can change and tweak them, and you put a link
to your tester CGI at the bottom. When you want to run your
tests, you bounce on the CGI submit button. When you want to
edit or add to your tests, you edit your wiki. Your tests
live in HTML, and can gradually morph into documentation.
Your users can write their own tests. Bug reporters can add
tests that fail. Installed versions of your work can grab
the latest tests from your Website. Your test suite can sit
somewhere else - on a different server, and be written in
different languages (there are FIT CGI implementations in
Java, C#, Perl, Python, Ruby and Lisp). It's such a simple
idea, you'll slap yourself in the seconds before your brain
melts entirely at the possibilities.
- something of a starting point
- less than 750 lines of Python

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