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Re: [ecf-dev] ECF github


Am 18.12.2017 um 02:29 schrieb Scott Lewis:
Hi Folks,

For some time ecf has had a number of projects/repos hosted at github.   I've spent the effort to create maven metadata for the following projects/repos, and created releases for each one. (see releases link for each repo).  Also, I've turned on the Travis CI service for each one as well, so if any changes are made to these projects they will be automatically built on   If you wish you can add yourself to notification of build errors for any one or all of them.

First, the ECF github organization is here:

Here are the repos that now have releases and maven poms.

kryo-serialization - a remote services (RS) distribution provider contributed by Peter Hermsdorf (thanks Peter!)

JGroups - a RS distribution provider based upon JavaGroups (JGroups):

HazelcastProvider - a RS distribution provider based upon Hazelcast (

XmlRpcProvider - a RS distribution provider based upon XmlRpc

JaxRSProvider - a RS distribution provider based upon the Jersey (or CXF) implementation of JaxRS specification

etcd-provider - a RS discovery provider based upon Google etcd

Py4j-RemoteServicesProvier - a RS distribution provider based upon Py4j, Google Protocol Buffers, and Google Flatbuffers.   This provider allows OSGI remote services implemented in Python and/or consumed in Python.

Py4j-OSGi - a 'bundleized' version of the Py4j Java libraries (version 0.10.6)

OSGiRemoteManagement - A set of remote services (APIs) and implementations for managing remote OSGi frameworks.  For example, there are management services for the framework (IBundleManager, IServiceManager, IFrameworkManager), configuration management (IConfigurationManager), ds/service component runtime (IServiceComponentRuntimeManager, etc), RSA (IRemoteServiceAdminManager), ECF (IContainerFactoryManager), the OSGi application specification (IApplicationManager), OSGi metatype (IMetaTypeManager), as well as Karaf features (IKarafFeatureManager) and p2 (IFeatureInstallManager, IProfileManager, IRepositoryManagers).   There are also some Eclipse plugins that present a user interface (views) for the framework bundle/service managers.   Lots here.

Mqtt-Provider - a RS distribution provider based upon Paho's implementation of mqtt.

JMS - a RS distribution provider based upon the ActiveMQ implementation of JMS

OSGiRemoteServiceAdmin - a new implementation of an OSGI Topology Manager that can be dynamically modified to filter remote service imports in different ways at different times.  Currently under testing.

Matt:  I would like to correspond with you about how best to eventually getting the above bundles into Maven Central.



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