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[ecf-dev] Update to Remote Service Admin

Hi Folks,

FYI, I've committed/released a small, internal change to our impl of RemoteServiceAdmin. We previously had been using the (now-deprecated) PackageAdmin OSGi service for doing the version compatibility checking. Now we are not using this service, but rather using the wiring API [1].

Another thing...Equinox has moved to using Apache gogo as the default OSGi console implementation...and our current remote services 'hello' examples therefore need to be updated to include gogo in order to allow OSGi console-based control.

This will mean, however, that the new example product configurations will be dependent upon the 3.8-stream version of Equinox (with gogo), and may produce warnings when run on older versions of Equinox. (I think the actual example will continue to run ok, but the OSGi console won't work, and there will be resolve errors on startup).

Any opinions/views about this? I'm inclined to update the product configs for the example to use/depend upon gogo (Equinox 3.8) for future releases (i.e. Juno).




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