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Re: [ecf-dev] Exposing an osgi service as remote service vi provider

Hi Atanas,

On 6/29/2011 8:43 AM, Атанас Тодоров wrote:
Hi All,
I want to use provider for transport communication.

I was able to convert an osgi service as a restlet and expose it as an osgi remote service using project.

This sounds great! Have you used the latest iteration of that code?

Would you be willing to consider contributing a new provider...based upon a) restlet; b) the restlet integration; c) the rest API, d) you work? It would be quite nice...I think... to have a remote services provider that leverages a, b, c, d to expose as an OSGi remote service (and therefore could easily and automatically use the OSGi RSA standard, as well as any of the ECF discovery providers...which implement the OSG RSA endpoint description discovery).

I do not explicitly set "service.exported.interfaces" and "service.exported.configs" properties.Is there any need to set these as it is described in the iwiki.?

The answer to this question depends upon the following statement (and the answer to my follow up question).

With the ECF api i was able to create a remote call and then take the result back.

So which ECF api are you referring to? If you are referring to the ECF remote services API (i.e. in org.eclipse.ecf.remoteservices.* packages), then the answer to the above question is 'no'. If you are referring to the ECF implementation of the OSGi remote services API, then then answer to the above question is 'yes'.

The reason for this is that the OSGI remote services API is layered on top of the ECF impl of OSGi remote services. A simple diagram looks like this:

OSGi remote services API (registerService with service.exported.interfaces service property set) | (impl in org.eclipse.ecf.osgi.remoteserviceadmin and
ECF Remote Services API
ECF Remote Service *provider* (e.g. r-osgi...impl)

There's a more extensive explanation and graphic presenting this structure on this page:

So if you are using the ECF Remote Services API *directly* (which you certainly can do), then it skips the functionality provided by the OSGi remote services implementation...having to do with interacting with the local OSGi service registry.

If, OTOH, you are using the OSGi registerService call with the standard service properties set, then you should not have to call the ECF remote services API directly (it's done for you by the RSA implementation), and you should also be able to interact with the remote service proxy as if it's a local/OSGi service.

I exected that remote service be transparent or what i mean is : be able to see it in the client osgi environment as thought it is local service.

I also expected when running the host osgi with the bundle containng the exposed remote service to see 2 instances of that service as it is for r-osgi.

In the ECF 'BasicTopologyManager' (which is in class:, there is an option to allow or disallow loopback references (that's whether to allow a proxy to a remote service that is also in the service registry of the *same framework*). By default, this is set to 'false'...which means that the proxy is *not* allowed/created in the same framework as the service host.

You can easily change this, however, by setting this system property:


eclipse -vmargs

We do this in the automated tests for remote that the host and consumer parts of the remote service tests can be run within the same framework.

Note that the BasicTopologyManager is not intended to be the 'only' topology manager...and in fact the RSA spec and ECF's implementation allows the creation of other topology managers. I've been thinking about what kinds of improvements and generalizations the BasicTopologyManager could have (e.g. instead of system properties for configuration is could have programmatic API, or declarative services, or xml, or configuration admin, or extensions/extension points, etc). And...there can/could/should be more/other topology managers to use for different environments (e.g. server, clients, of different types, etc).

I will be very grateful for any comments for any of my questions.

Hopefully this is helpful. If you would like to discuss with me the contribution of some of the work to the ECF project and community, please contact me directly at slewis at We would be most welcoming of the contribution!!



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