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Re: [ecf-dev] org.eclipse.ecf.example.clients & IllegalMonitorStateException

Dann Martens wrote:

Where does the EMF dependency come from exactly?

It comes from the discovery user interface/ui. Note this is *not* the discovery API itself (which doesn't have any deps on emf), but rather the tooling/user interface for showing the output of the discovery API in an Eclipse view. Specifically, the emf deps are in the org.eclipse.ecf.discovery.ui bundle (among some others that are dependent upon o.e.e.discovery.ui).

And let me get this right, you're having problems with p2 because of an unresolved EMF dependency? Wasn't p2 supposed to solve all this? One of the things that gave EMF a bad name was that the old update manager constantly tripped over bad version declarations... does this mean nothing has changed?

No, things have changed. Under normal conditions p2 will just download/install the right version of the necessary bundles from EMF (5 or so...rather than all of EMF), during install of ECF sdk rather than requiring the user to do so. The reason that Cyril is having problems is because he has some other version of emf installed by some other tooling...and this other version is older/conflicts with the version the discovery ui code needs (even though the discovery ui dep is for a fairly old version of EMF...i.e. 2.2.0 minimum version as expressed in the o.e.e.discovery.ui manifest.

Markus Kuppe is the ECF committer that knows the discovery ui code the best, as he either wrote or contributed most of it. If I've got anything wrong he'll likely correct me...and he can add more detailed questions I expect.


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