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Re: [ecf-dev] [SHAREDOBJECT] Can't retrieve the object.

Hi Cyril,

Can you verify when MySharedObject.this.replicateToRemoteContainers is being called?

Also, would you be able to turn on tracing for the org.eclipse.ecf.provider bundle and the org.eclipse.ecf.core.sharedobject bundle...record the output as you run the below (for both clients)?



cyril giraudon wrote:

I'm trying to use shared object implementation of the ECF framework and I'm experiencing problems. I wrote some code largely inspired by the test cases and from

This is my source code, I start to define some class variables :

   public static final String CHAT_ROOM_NAME = "chatroom";
   public IContainer[] clients = new IContainer[2];
   IChatRoomContainer[] chatRoomContainer = new IChatRoomContainer[2];;
   protected String[] usernames = {"user1@domain", "user2@domain"};
   protected String[] passwords = {"pwd", "pwd"};

And then I connect my two clients to the server and also I connect them to the chatroom. I can browse participants, send chat messages with no problems. Here is the code, I think it is OK :

       System.out.println("> Creation client 0");
clients[0] = ContainerFactory.getDefault().createContainer("ecf.xmpp.smack"); ID id0 = IDFactory.getDefault().createID(clients[0].getConnectNamespace(), usernames[0]); IConnectContext connectContext0 = ConnectContextFactory.createUsernamePasswordConnectContext(usernames[0], passwords[0]);
       clients[0].connect(id0, connectContext0);
       System.out.println("> Get chatRoom 0");
final IChatRoomInfo info0 = ((IPresenceContainerAdapter)clients[0].getAdapter(IPresenceContainerAdapter.class)).getChatRoomManager().getChatRoomInfo(CHAT_ROOM_NAME);
       if (info0 == null)
throw new Exception(NLS.bind("no chat room {0} avalable", CHAT_ROOM_NAME));
       chatRoomContainer[0] = info0.createChatRoomContainer();
       System.out.println("> Connect to chatRoomContainer 0");
       chatRoomContainer[0].connect(info0.getRoomID(), null);

       System.out.println("> Creation client 1");
clients[1] = ContainerFactory.getDefault().createContainer("ecf.xmpp.smack"); ID id1 = IDFactory.getDefault().createID(clients[1].getConnectNamespace(), usernames[1]); IConnectContext connectContext1 = ConnectContextFactory.createUsernamePasswordConnectContext(usernames[1], passwords[1]);
       clients[1].connect(id1, connectContext1);
       System.out.println("> Get chatRoom 1");
final IChatRoomInfo info1 = ((IPresenceContainerAdapter)clients[1].getAdapter(IPresenceContainerAdapter.class)).getChatRoomManager().getChatRoomInfo(CHAT_ROOM_NAME);
       if (info1 == null)
throw new Exception(NLS.bind("no chat room {0} avalable", CHAT_ROOM_NAME));
       chatRoomContainer[1] = info1.createChatRoomContainer();
       System.out.println("> Connect to chatRoomContainer 1");
       chatRoomContainer[1].connect(info1.getRoomID(), null);

At this point, I tried to share an object by the client 0. All seems fine, the client 0 can access the object and I can see its presence when I call the getSharedObjectIDs() of the ISharedObjectManager.

final ISharedObjectContainer socontainer0 = (ISharedObjectContainer)chatRoomContainer[0].getAdapter(ISharedObjectContainer.class); final ISharedObjectManager manager0 = socontainer0.getSharedObjectManager();

       System.out.println("> Creation manager");
       if (manager0 == null) throw new Exception("manager is null");

       final ID objectID = IDFactory.getDefault().createStringID("xxx");
              System.out.println("> Add shared object");
       MySharedObject shared = new MySharedObject(objectID.getName());
       final ID id = manager0.addSharedObject(objectID, shared, null);
              System.out.println("> We sleep a litle time...");
              System.out.println("> Client 0 retrieve so");
final MySharedObject sharedObject0 = (MySharedObject)manager0.getSharedObject(id); if (sharedObject0 == null) throw new Exception("sharedObject is null");

Then I try to use the shared object with my client 1 which is also connected to the chatroom. Unfortunately the sharedObject1 is always 'null'. When I call the getSharedObjectIDs() of the ISharedObjectManager, the object is not present.

       System.out.println("> Client 1 retrieve so");
final ISharedObjectContainer socontainer1 = (ISharedObjectContainer)chatRoomContainer[1].getAdapter(ISharedObjectContainer.class); MySharedObject sharedObject1 = (MySharedObject)socontainer1.getSharedObjectManager().getSharedObject(id);
       if (sharedObject1 == null)
           System.out.println("Cannot retrieve sharedObject1");
           throw new Exception("sharedObject1 is null");

I try to call explicitly MySharedObject.this.replicateToRemoteContainers but this does not seem have an effect.
I tried this source code with :
- ECF 1.2.0 on Eclipse
- ECF 2.0 on Eclipse 3.4
I also tried on server :
- ejabberd 1.1.26
- openfire 3.4.4
Is there a problem in the source code ? Does the jabber server needs a special configuration ? I don't know where the problem comes from. Could you help me ?

Thanks a lot,


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