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Re: [ecf-dev] Call for committer vote: Rick Hamnett

Pete's vote on Rick:  +1

At 12:12 PM 3/1/2006, you wrote:
ECF committers,

I would like to nominate Rick Hamnett to join as an ECF committer. 
Rick's resume has been circulated previously among the committers (please if you are an ECF committer let pete@xxxxxxxxxxxx know if you didn't get his resume).

Rick is an expert with Asterisk, the open source PBX.  He is going to be working with ECF and the Eclipse Foundation to make available Asterisk-based VOIP services available, and will also be contributing to the work on the ECF 'call API' and the creation of an ECF/RCP softphone (!).  He is the author of the Asterisk Desktop Manager and with any luck will contribute and/or integration some of that work to ECF as well.

All committers:  please vote +1=approve, 0=abstain, -1=disapprove. 
Please try to circulate your vote to ecf-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx as quickly as possible...within 3 days if at all possible.

Scott's vote on Rick:  +1



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